disabled | boolean | | Field will be disabled if true. |
fieldClass | string | | Specifies one or more CSS classes that should be applied to the dom element for this field once it is rendered. Supports a single value, comma-delimited values, space-delimited values or values passed in as an array. |
focus | checkbox | true | If true, the initial focus for the form will be set to the first child element (usually the first field in the form). If a field name or path is provided, then the specified child field will receive focus. For example, you might set focus to 'name' (selecting the 'name' field) or you might set it to 'client/name' which picks the 'name' field on the 'client' object. |
form | object | | Options for rendering the FORM tag. |
helper | string | | Field help message. |
helpers | array | | An array of field help messages. Each message will be displayed on it's own line. |
helpersPosition | string | below | Defines the placement location of the helper text relative to the control (either 'above' or 'below') |
hidden | boolean | | Field will be hidden if true. |
hideInitValidationError | boolean | | Hide initial validation errors if true. |
id | string | | Unique field id. Auto-generated if not provided. |
label | string | | Field label. |
name | string | | Field Name. |
optionLabels | array | | An array of string labels for items in the enum array |
readonly | boolean | | Field will be readonly if true. |
showMessages | boolean | true | Display validation messages if true. |
sort | function | | Defines an f(a,b) sort function for the array of enumerated values [{text, value}]. This is used to sort enum and optionLabels as well as results that come back from any data sources (for select and radio controls). By default the items are sorted alphabetically. Don't apply any sorting if false. |
type | string | hidden | Field type. |
validate | boolean | true | Field validation is required if true. |
view | string | | Allows for this field to be rendered with a different view (such as 'display' or 'create') |