The chooser field.


TitleChooser Field
DescriptionChooser Field
Field Typechooser
Base Field TypeNone


defaultanyThe default value to be assigned for this property. If the data for the field is empty or not provided, this default value will be plugged in for you. Specify a default value when you want to pre-populate the field's value ahead of time.
dependenciesarrayList of property dependencies.
descriptionstringDetailed description of the property.
disallowarrayList of disallowed values for the property.
enumarrayList of field value options
formatstringData format of the property.
readonlybooleanIndicates that the field is read-only. A read-only field cannot have it's value changed. Read-only fields render in a grayed-out or disabled control. If the field is rendered using a view with the displayReadonly attribute set to false, the read-only field will not appear.
requiredbooleanIndicates whether the field's value is required. If set to true, the field must take on a valid value and cannnot be left empty or unassigned.
titlestringShort description of the property.
typestringData type of the property.


dataSourcestringDatasource for generating list of options. This can be a string or a function. If a string, it is considered S be a URI to a service that produces a object containing key/value pairs or an array of elements of structure {'text': '', 'value': ''}. This can also be a function that is called to produce the same list.
disabledbooleanField will be disabled if true.
fieldClassstringSpecifies one or more CSS classes that should be applied to the dom element for this field once it is rendered. Supports a single value, comma-delimited values, space-delimited values or values passed in as an array.
focuscheckboxtrueIf true, the initial focus for the form will be set to the first child element (usually the first field in the form). If a field name or path is provided, then the specified child field will receive focus. For example, you might set focus to 'name' (selecting the 'name' field) or you might set it to 'client/name' which picks the 'name' field on the 'client' object.
formobjectOptions for rendering the FORM tag.
heightnumberSpecify a fixed height for the list boxes. If not provided, the list boxes size to the amount of data.
helperstringField help message.
helpersarrayAn array of field help messages. Each message will be displayed on it's own line.
helpersPositionstringbelowDefines the placement location of the helper text relative to the control (either 'above' or 'below')
hiddenbooleanField will be hidden if true.
hideInitValidationErrorbooleanHide initial validation errors if true.
hideNonebooleanWhether to hide the None option from a list (select, radio or otherwise). This will be true if the field is required and false otherwise.
idstringUnique field id. Auto-generated if not provided.
joinfunctionFor multiple select lists. Defines a f(a) for how selected options should be combined into a single string. A split function should also be defined which reverses this function.
labelstringField label.
namestringField Name.
noneLabelstringNoneThe label to use for the 'None' option in a list (select, radio or otherwise).
optionLabelsarrayAn array of string labels for items in the enum array
readonlybooleanField will be readonly if true.
removeDefaultNonebooleanIf true, the default 'None' option will not be shown.
showAllSelectionsbooleanWhen true, show full selection list and disable anything already selected
showMessagesbooleantrueDisplay validation messages if true.
sortfunctionDefines an f(a,b) sort function for the array of enumerated values [{text, value}]. This is used to sort enum and optionLabels as well as results that come back from any data sources (for select and radio controls). By default the items are sorted alphabetically. Don't apply any sorting if false.
splitfunctionFor multiple select lists. Defines a f(a) for how data strings should be split into individual values. A join function should also be defined which reverses this function.
typestringchooserField type.
useDataSourceAsEnumbooleantrueWhether to constrain the field's schema enum property to the values that come back from the data source.
validatebooleantrueField validation is required if true.
viewstringAllows for this field to be rendered with a different view (such as 'display' or 'create')

Example 1

A simple example for a string field with enumerated values.

Example 2

An example of a string value where enumerated values are loaded from a data source.

Example 3

An example with showAllSelections set to true. This makes it so that the left-hand side always shows all values. Selected values are grayed out (or disabled).

Example 4

In this example, we set height to 90px which lets you control the amount of vertical screen real estate the control will use. This introduces scroll bars for selecting values.

Example 5

Here we show how to mount the control on top of an array.

Example 6

Here we include buttons to enable and disable the control.

Example 7

A display version of the control.

Example 8

An example where we set the value after render.

Example 9

An example using custom delimiters

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